Mommy's Corner (#3)

Morning Friends,

Welcome to Mommy's Corner! I am super excited to share my journey through parenthood with you. I have a five year old little girl named Mia. She loves arts, crafts, and playing. I am about two months behind on these posts so forgive me for posting Halloween activities practically at Christmas, but life gets hectic and I get behind. We did a ton of fun activities and treats for Mia's school on Halloween and I wanted to share them with you!

Candy Corn/Popcorn hands the kids loved these!

Tony peeling the grapes for a sensory box game.

The finished product (eyeballs)

My girls decorating their pumpkin
(Mia decided she wanted to use paint this year)

Cheese Puffs Jack O Lanterns
We had a ton of fun this past Halloween working on all of the treats and crafts!


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