Mommy's Corner (#2)

Morning Friends,

Welcome to the second edition of Mommy's Corner! I am super excited to share my journey through parenthood with you. I have a five year old little girl named Mia. She loves arts, crafts, and playing. Mia's birthday was a while back and I wanted to share with you some of the goodies we made! This year I wanted to keep Mia's birthday simple and make most of the decorations and treats. So, I turned to Pinterest for some inspiration. Here are some of the images from Mia's 5th Birthday!
This was the backdrop for the main table, also it was the photo booth.

Picture frame (photo booth prop)
The set up.

The main table (pre final setup)
How it all got done.

Preparing the chocolate
Oreo cupcakes

Rainbow cake
There was a lot of baking going that week! There were other goodies and treats that were store bought, mainly I tried to make most of the items I could. This was my attempt at a homemade birthday. Have you ever attempted a fully homemade birthday? Tell me what you think, comment below.


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