Top Ten Tuesday: Top 10 Best/Worst Series Enders

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the wonderful girls at The Broke and The Bookish. Every week the girls come up with a subject and we have to answer them.

Morning lovelies,

For today top ten list, it the best and the worst series enders. After investing your time, energy and feelings into a book, once you get to the ending, you are expecting something that will either mend your broken heart and leave you with the happy feels and some books do end that way. However, there are those that end up leaving you worse for wear and wanting to erase your memory of it. Here are mine and Nahomi's best and worst series enders.

The Best:

I don't think I need to explain myself for why I consider this one of the best series ender. It Harry Potter

2 - Shadowfever by Karen Marie Moning 
After all the cliffhangers and the questions and waiting and Barrons, I feel like the series ended in a really place. 

Like always, how Lisbeth managed to save herself, completely amazes me. 

4. Sisterhood Everlasting by Anne Brasheres
I was sobbing mess while reading this book and while that twist killed me, I can't help but loved the book.

The Worst:

5 - Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
Unfortunately, I just didn't like how it ended. I don't want to give spoilers just in case, but I was and still I'm mad at Katniss's mom and about certain characters' deaths. 

6 - If I Should Die by Amy Plum
I was so irritated with this book by how similar certain things were to Twilight and how predictable the ending was that I just couldn't with this ending.

7 - Endlessly by Kiersten White
Unfortunately, for Nahomi, this ending was left too open and not enough closure.

8 - Darkest Mercy by Melissa Marr
I was so disappointed by the way this series ended. I had invested so much time but by the time we got to the 3rd book, I had checked out. The only reason why I finished the series was because I just need to have some closure but I was very disappointed.

The House Divided:

9 - Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer
For Nahomi, she loved the way this ended. However, for me, Breaking Dawn doesn't exist after the wedding. Everything that happened afterwards, is not part of the books. I feel like so much time and paper was wasted that I wish I could have that time back again.

10. Boundless by Cynthia Hand
For Nahomi, this is the worst. She did not like how Cynthia Hand wrapped everything up so nicely and forgetting about a certain character. I, however, enjoyed it enough but I didn't loved it.

That's it for us for today, what your top ten best/worst series enders?


  1. I just read Paranormalcy last week, and I have to say, I wasn't thrilled with it. I hadn't decided whether to continue on with the series yet, but I'm definitely leaning toward NOT.

    TTT @ Krista's Dust Jacket

  2. Mockingjay made my best list, actually. It was sad, but also fitting for the entire story (which was not a happy story). And Boundless made my best list as well. I agree that a certain character seemed to be forgotten and that made me a bit angry, but maybe she'll write one about his future adventures?? Great list! ~Pam


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