Stacking the Shelves (#9)

Stacking the Shelves, which is hosted by Tynga's Reviews, is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This mean you can include books you buy in a physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course, ebooks!

Morning lovelies,

I hope everyone had a good week. Let see what I added to my shelves, hmm?

I got this on Amazon for free. I have some friends who just love the author,Charlotte Stein and I pretty much trust them with their recs. And yes, it smut. I need my smut every now and then.

I got this ebook from the library. I was on the list for this a while ago and it just came for me, so it was a little bit of a surprise.
A Walk to Remember a Walk to Remember

That it for this week! Have a lovely Saturday. 
What did you add to your shelves?

descriptionAbout the Blogger
Jenn is a 23 years old, avid reader and who decided to try her luck on blogging. She enjoys reading Young Adults novels with swoony boys and with a twist. When she is not reading, she can be found watching The Big Bang Theory or watching old episodes of Gilmore Girls and Friends. Books and Swoons is her baby.
Follow Jenn on Twitter and Goodreads

Books and Swoons


  1. I cried my way through A Walk to Remember. I haven't heard of the other book mentioned though. Happy reading :)

  2. I've heard such great things about Nicholas Spark's books! :) I hope you enjoy all your books! :)

    Check out my Stacking the Shelves!

  3. A Walk to Remember is still one of my favorite books!!

    New follower (:

    Chelsey@Charming Chelsey's

  4. Nicholas Sparks is a good writer. Enjoy A Walk to Remember. The other book I've never heard.


  5. I haven't actually read A Walk to Remember I only know the movie but I imgine the book to be so better and I really liked the movie - so enjoy!

  6. I love the movie A Walk to Remember. I really can't wait to read the book! Happy reading!

    Stacking the Shelves
    Lisa @ Shatterbooks

  7. Ahh I haven't read the book, but a Walk to Remember was such a wonderful movie; I'm sure the book was even better! The other book looks good too; thanks for sharing them! I just found your blog and will definitely be following it from now on :) I recently added some summer reading lists to my new blog if you want to take a look:
    Thanks again!

  8. Nicolas Sparks always makes me cry...

    Happy reading!

    I hope you'll stop by and see what I stacked on my shelves this week.

  9. Can you believe I never read anything by Sparks? Need to kick myself and pick up one of his books.

    I love the name of your blog. Books and Swoons go hand in hand in my world :) I'm following you now.
    Here's my StS post.

    1. You should pick up one of his books! I do recommend to have a happy read on hand for afterwards. You'll need it.

  10. Great set! I really enjoyed A Walk to Remember. The movie was good too but not as good.
    My Bookish Recap

  11. ::waves:: Just found your blog :-) I love the name!

    Restraint sounds really good. Gotta love a little smut every once in a while ;-) A Walk to Remember is one of my favorite movies. I blubber like a fool at the end, no matter how many times I watch it. Hope you enjoy the book!

    My book haul!


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