Dusty Reads (#7)

Dusty Reads is a weekly meme, hosted by Giselle at Xpresso Reads, featuring a book that has been sitting unread on your home shelf for some time. Books don't have to be an "x" years old. If you had the books for a few months without reading it, it's dusty!

Happy Friday lovelies! We survived another week.

You know I love me some Big Bang Theory. Let's get on with show now. For this week Dusty Reads:

Dracula by Bram Stoker

Summary (from Amazon): "Count Dracula, a tragic, night-dwelling specter who feeds upon the blood of the living, and whose diabolical passions prey upon the innocent, the helpless, and the beautiful. But Dracula also stands as a bleak allegorical saga of an eternally cursed being whose nocturnal atrocities reflect the dark underside of the supremely moralistic age in which it was originally written - and the corrupt desires that continue to plague the modern human conditions."

What Dusty on your shelf?

descriptionAbout the Blogger
Jenn is a 23 years old, avid reader and who decided to try her luck on blogging. She enjoys reading Young Adults novels with swoony boys and with a twist. When she is not reading, she can be found watching The Big Bang Theory or watching old episodes of Gilmore Girls and Friends. Books and Swoons is her baby.
Follow Jenn on Twitter and Goodreads

Books and Swoons


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