Review: Break You by Jennifer Snyder

Break You
Author: Jennifer Snyder
Release Date: November 19, 2013
Publisher: Jennifer Snyder
Source: Xpresso Tours and Jennifer Snyder for Review Opp.
Review by: Nahomi
Links: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Goodreads / IndieBound

My rating: 2 stars out of 5 stars
Blaire Hayes enjoys a quiet life, spending her days as a CNA at the local nursing home and nights studying for exams. She prefers things to be as uncomplicated as possible -- but when her friends drag her to a party and she bumps into her high school crush, the path of Blaire’s life veers in an entirely different direction than what she had planned for herself.Jason Bryant created a nice life away from his hometown, putting distance between himself and the suffocating sadness of his father’s death. But when he finds out his grandfather’s health is deteriorating, he decides he must return home. Partying was not on his agenda while in town, but it’s how he bumps into Blaire Hayes—the girl he’d always thought of in high school as an unobtainable pass.Together the two learn there are moments in life that hold within them all the power to break you...
*I received a copy of this book from Xpresso Book Tours and Jennifer Snyder as a Review Opportunity in exchange for an honest review.*

**This book is intended for a mature audience, age 18 and older, due to language and explicit content.**

I was interested in reading this book initially because of its title and cover. Then I read the synopsis and thought, this sound really interesting I have to read it! Unfortunately this book wasn't for me, for several reasons which I will briefly speak about. I really wanted to enjoy this story and normally I do but this book had a lot of the things that I really can't stand in a story. If you don't want to read spoilers please stop reading here.
From here on there are spoilers so it's your last chance to stop reading...Okay, so here goes the rest of my review.

So, the synopsis doesn't say this but Blaire who is a CNA has a one night stand with Jason a guy she had a crush on in high school. That's fine, what I'm not ok with is: that she does so without protection, and she conveniently forgets that she is taking antibiotic as well as birth control (antibiotic cancel out the birth control)! She is studying to be an RN and she is a CNA for goodness sake! From anyone else it could have been a little more believable. This is the first thing that turned me off and it was all down hill from there.

After this point the story became predictable. Jason wants to do the right thing so they attempt a relationship, but Blaire keeps going on Jason's Facebook and seeing pictures that she misconstrues and instead of talking to him about it, she fights with him or just stops talking to him for periods of time. I hate the misunderstanding issues in stories; honestly just talk it out already. 

Then there is a curve ball thrown into the mix, Blaire unfortunately loses the baby. That I didn't see coming, but once it happened, I already knew that she would automatically send Jason away. And that is exactly what she did, and they didn't talk again until Jason's grandfather dies. Then they realize they are meant to be together in the end. There is no epilogue to give a little more closure to the characters or anything, just a "we belong together" ending.

The story is ok and the writing is good. I couldn't get into the characters because they seemed a little generic and their dialogue made me roll my eyes more than once. Like I said before this wasn't a story that I would normally read, and if the synopsis had been a little more specific I probably wouldn't have given it a chance to begin with.


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