My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I read this right after the 2012 Academy Awards, after Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer were nominated for their roles in the movie by the same title, "The Help". I had the novel on my to-be-read list for while and I admit, what pushed me to finally read the book was because of the awards nominations. And I have to say, I really did enjoyed the book.
Many were probably turned off by the dialect, but it was something I really liked about it. It definitely helped me get into the mindset for Aibileen and Minny, even Skeeter, Hilly and Elizabeth.
I truly enjoyed getting to know a little about each of the characters and found myself rooting for Minny and her crazy employer, Miss Celia. Playing devil's advocate with Skeeter's refusal to print Hilly's case in the newsletter. And tearing up in the background during Aibileen and Mae Mobley's moments together. "You is kind. You is smart. You is important." will forever be one of my favorites lines thanks to Aibileen and Mae Mobley.
Although I'm sad it ended where it did, it ended in a good place for the characters to start over.
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